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Autumn Days

on October 24, 2018

The season is definitely moving well into Autumn now, with colder mornings and the nights drawing in. With the hour changing, the mornings will be lighter but it will be dark by 5 o’clock!

We at Fine Foods have still been out and about, most recently at Powderham Castle in Devon followed by the Wells Food Festival. Sadly Wimborne Food Festival, where I should have been cooking on stage again had a high category weather warning issued. The organisers had to take the difficult decision to cancel for health & safety reasons of both the public and stallholders, for a second year running! Very disappointing for me particularly as it is a fantastic event.

Fussels at Powderham Castle Foods Festival 2018

Christmas is happening here at Fussels. We are already filling stock ready for the Bath Christmas Market and a few other events happening around that time. It is an exceptionally busy time for us with 18 days of trading! Come and find us on Abbey Green between Wednesday 21 November and Sunday 9 December.

In our Demo Kitchen, we regularly host Breakfast for a local Networking Group, but this year we are also offering to host groups (minimum of 10 people) for Christmas Lunch here at FFF HQ. This will be a two course traditional Christmas Lunch. Do drop us an email if you are interested in bringing a group for a delicious lunch, so we can book you in!

On the Farm...The green shadows of new shoots

The rapeseed plants are well established now and will soon be settling down to weather the winter temperatures and a time of hibernation. Because of their waxy leaf structure, they are quite happy to go through lower temperatures. The stubble turnips are at a are similar stage, having been planted around the same time as the rape. In early Spring, there will be several flocks of sheep munching their way through the turnip a rate of knots!

Fussels Rapeseed showing through for 2018

You may have seen our tractors out cultivating the fields ready for drilling and rolling. The wheat was drilled during the second/third week in October and is already moving at a pace. The fields are really changing now showing beautiful straight lines of green wheat shoots, which need to be well established before the temperature significantly drops.

It has been a very busy time on the farm but actually it never really stops. The crops need to be regularly inspected and decisions made as the season changes. Andy and Shaun can often be seen out in the fields around the village (and further afield) checking out the crops. It is a very important part of farming but primarily it’s about having knowledge, experience and expertise that only comes with years of farming. And so it continues, the circle of new life...ever changing. Next month...let’s see shall we!

Do keep in touch with us via our website, Facebook, Fussels Fans, Twitter and Instagram.

Lizzy Etheridge - Production | Sales | Events