- Minute Steak
- Fresh Thyme on the stalk.
- Fresh Garlic Clove
- One Shallot
- 50g Rocket Salad Leaves
- 1/4 Lemon
- Tablespoon Capers
- Tablespoon Pine Nuts
- 5 Cherry Tomatoes
For Cooking / Finishing
Season your steak well with salt and plenty of pepper,
Make sure you have a hot pan before you add the oil, spray in 5 or 6 squirts of oil into the hot pan.
Place the squashed garlic and twig of thyme in the pan with the steak. Chop the shallots and add to the pan. Steak only needs to be cooked for about a minute on either side.
Once cooked, take out the steak and allow to rest, then remove the garlic and the twig of thyme. Cook onions for about 30 seconds.
Put the rocket in a mixing bowl and add the shallots and then a couple of spoonful's of beer and horseradish sauce followed by a squeeze of lemon and some pine nuts and the cherry tomatoes and capers